Cultural & Sports Events:
Cultural activities complement both training/ professional aspects as well as personal, i.e. they contribute to the comprehensive education of students. They not only encourage discovering the hidden talent but also promote intermingling of Students.
At ARYAKUL, we believe that it serves as an instrument to develop all facets of personality but also promotes confidence in them. Annual fests like INNOV – 8 (Annual Cultural Extravaganza) and KILOL (Annual Sports Meet) etc are few undertakings in this regards.
“Soft skills are a misnomer. Those are in fact the hardest to acquire and need the best of the training methods”
Winners and professionals in the every field have all been through some training, at some time in their career. To be at the top, you have to be among the best.
If you are fortunate to be gifted with the talent, then that talent has to be taken to a new high. If on the other hand you are not, then you have to work even harder at it. Either way, you need to train.
Most of your student life has been about learning, working academically, about examinations, and living to meet the expectations of your parents and teachers. Mostly, life has been about being under control.
At ARYAKUL, we know that as a young adult, you are expected to be in control, and approach life with self-confidence, in a fast and competitive environment. The industry is selectively looking for professionals – those who fit the job requirements, and those who they think would blend into their corporate identity. Jobs are demanding, and the competition is high. Therefore, we envisage its utility & thus have personality development as a regular feature of ARYAKUL curriculum, so that after the completion of course, you are able to present yourself as a capable professional, confident to meet the industry expectations.
In today’s fast paced world, where stress & depression is becoming a very common ailment. Yoga & Meditation are a good way of keeping them at bay! At ARYAKUL, we realize the importance of this age-old science of India & inculcate in our regular curriculum so as to develop the spiritual aspect of the students as well as maintain their physical & mental fitness to enable them face the everyday challenges in their learning phase.
A hobby is defined as an activity that engages a person for a long time and the person
finds self-satisfaction in doing the same. It is an interesting occupation for one’s leisure time. The hobby helps us in shaping our character. Hobby moulds our character to a considerable extent and it shows our talents to the outside world. Psychologists state that hobby makes our life quality grow by enhancing the level of happiness.
Thus, at ARYAKUL, we provide students with necessary resources so that they may meet the industry expectations.