Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India also entrusted us with the most prestigious projects namely Krishi Vigyan Kendra for District Sitapur. At KVK, we have the 50 acres agriculture farm and 10 acres campus having residential training center for capacity of 200 people at a time with all the requisite and human resources and teaching learning aids. We are covering whole Sitapur district and disseminating/ transferring the technology development research institute for increasing productivity in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Animal Husbandry and related fields for over all socio economic development of farmers specially farmer women. The strategy is to first demonstrate the variety, technology and use of critical inputs either at our institutional form are at the site of willing farmer known as on farm trial. Organize exposure tours and field days for farmers at every stage of crop cycle and then finally demonstrate the impact of the initiative so that they can easily adopt the technology and gain the maximum benefit. We are working through the Youth Committee and farmer gropus some of them formally started functioning as Self Help Group.